Where the high accuracy of our 7835/45/46/47 tube densitometers is not
required, Solartron Mobrey can offer the lower cost 7826 insertion
liquid density transducer. Offered in a wide range of wetted parts, the
7826 liquid densitometer can be used to measure most liquids in tank
and pipeline applications.
The 7826 is a tuning fork density meter that is designed to operate in
line with either a 7950 or 7951 signal converter. The converter will
accept both the density and temperature signals from the 7826. Based
these inputs, the signal converter can infer such parameters as
Specific Gravity, percent solids, percent volume percent concentration
The 7826 uses a resonant frequency tuning fork as its sensing element.
A change in fluid density will change the natural frequency of the
vibrating fork. This change in natural frequency is continuously
detected by the 795x Series Computers and the corresponding fluid
density is updated.
-Direct insertion sensor
-Suitable for high line pressure
-Wetted parts 316L S. Steel, Hastelloy, Monel, Titanium
-Continuous measurement
-Zero maintenance
-Integral Class B PT100 temperature sensor
-Interface detection
-Specific gravity
-% solids in a slurry
-% concentration
7826 Liquid Density Transmitter